
Raymore Parks and Recreation

Nathan Musteen, Parks and Recreation Director
Phone: 816-322-2791
Fax: 816-331-9426

The Raymore Parks and Recreation Department offers a variety of sports programs for youth and adults. The youth programs are designed to ensure participation, fun, and safety for all participants. All coaches are volunteers for the youth recreation leagues. Practices and games for these programs are held at parks and school district facilities throughout Raymore. Learn more about the Raymore sports programs.

Raymore Parks and Recreation provides a variety of instructional and fitness programs for youth and adults. Walking trails are located throughout the community for those wanting a safe path for their adventures.

Open Access Parks


Recreation Park

1101 S. Madison

Located on the southern end of town on 80 acres, Recreation Park is the largest of Raymore’s four existing parks. It is also the most active park with approximately 80% of its space dedicated to active programmable use. The Raymore Skate Park is also found in Recreation Park, as is Recreation Park Pond, a baseball complex with concessions, the Optimist Shelter and nearby concession stand, and the East Shelter with new playground equipment.


Memorial Park

400 Park Lane

Memorial Park is located off Olive Street, behind Raymore Elementary School. The park area encompasses 20+ acres and has a pleasant mix of passive and active space. The park hosts several of Raymore’s special events and festivals.


Hawk Ridge Park

701 Johnston Parkway

Located behind Price Chopper, the city’s newest community park is Hawk Ridge Park with 79 acres of rolling hills with a fishing lake. Undeveloped at this time, the park’s topography is well suited for future park planning to include a mix of both passive natural areas and active play areas and facilities.


Ward Park

Ward Park Place Subdivision

Located behind Price Chopper, the city’s newest community park is Hawk Ridge Park with 79 acres of rolling hills with a fishing lake. Undeveloped at this time, the park’s topography is well suited for future park planning to include a mix of both passive natural areas and active play areas and facilities.


The City of Raymore Trail Systems

Looking for more outdoor activities? The city of Raymore has an intricate trail system consisting of 10 miles of trails and sidewalks developed into a network that provides connections for pedestrians between homes, schools, businesses and parks.